Mark your Calendars!
Food Distribution Day is Tuesdays at 9:00 am. Please call on Mondays for appointments ( 919-589-7800) Yolanda Brown
1st Sunday of the Month~ Communion Sunday
Bishop Casey Potter's Life Group meets every other Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. beginning on March 31, 2020
Pastor Diane Kivett's Life Group meets every other Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. beginning on April 14, 2020
3rd Saturday of the month- Power Team will minister at Royal Oaks Retirement Center- 1107 Carthaqe Street- 3:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. (on hold due to Covid restrictions)
3rd Sunday of the month~ Youth Sunday~ Youth will minister in song, dance and flag
4th Saturday of the month~ Power Team will minister at Westfield Rehabilitation Center- 3100 Tramway Rd.- 3:00 pm- 4:00 pm (on hold due to Covid restrictions)
Any other news or events, we will post here or our facebook page so stay tuned!!
**Due to the Coronovirus, we are not going to the retirement centers until further notice. Some of the things we normally do may have changed so keep an eye out on our facebook page for any changes.++
Be a part of a great ministry, where do you fit in?
Women's Ministry~ Pastor Diane Kivett- (919)499-8913
Praise Team~ Minister Samara (Tina) Petty- (919)579-0533
Usher Department~ Yolanda Brown- (919)356-4315
Food Ministry~ Yolanda Brown- (919)356-4315
Youth Ministry~ Pastor Angie Womack or Sarah Strong
Pastors Anniversary Committee~ Bishop Casey Potter- (919)410-2188
Sound Ministry~ Dennis & Sarah Strong
Hostess Committee~ Dennis & Sarah Strong
Power Team (Street Ministry)- Bishop Casey Potter
Intercessory Prayer~ Ministers Charles & Gail Smith- Prayer Line- (919) 718-0610
Cleaning Ministry and Card Ministry~ Rachel McCracken- (919) 397-6513
Fine Arts Department
Youth Choir~ Minister Samara (Tina) Petty- (919) 579-0533
Praise Dance~ Minister Juanita Smith- (919) 353-2296
Flag Ministries~ Joy Roberts (469) 358-7469
Our Pastors
Bishop Donald Kivett-Senior Pastor- 919-499-3194
Pastor Diane Kivett- Associate Pastor- 919-499-8913
Bishop Casey Potter- Assistant Pastor- 919-410-2188